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MyVirtuoso Home

MyVirtuoso Home

discover the range ofcompatibledevices

discover the range of compatibledevices


Our Aim

Offer an experience of managing environments through technological devices that improve your well-being and your comfort. For this reason we have chosen for you a wide range of devices useful for your needs.

Device categories

The wireless HUB guarantees the functionality of the rules set, but without the integration of sophisticated electronic devices it would not be possible to manage the home efficiently.

Precisely for this reason, all the devices that communicate with the MyVirtuoso Home gateway have been carefully selected by our research and development team. Each of these electronic devices communicates through the Z-Wave protocol and is Z-Wave Plus certified.

At the moment there are more than 50 products in the range that can be used together to implement scenarios and automations aimed at saving energy in your home. They are mainly divided into 4 categories:





View the full list on the official website MyVirtuoso Home


The wireless solution for the Smart Home of the future

MyVirtuoso Home is the wireless home automation system designed to monitor consumption, adjust the temperature in every room, manage the lights and automation of motor devices, monitor the safety of your home via smartphone or tablet, and much more still.


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