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Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

Modulating Wi-Fi chronothermostat (OpenTherm) simple to use, compatible with OpenTherm boilers and always connected

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

Il cronotermostato di zona WMTE-130 è il termostato sviluppato per essere in grado di accendere e spegnere i sistemi di riscaldamento e raffrescamento. Esso è stato ideato per funzionare con il sistema smart Comfort.me OMZ per impianti radianti a pavimento e caldaie OpenTherm o sistemi con ingresso TA (termostato ambiente).

Comfort.me OMZ è la soluzione intelligente sviluppata per essere in grado di comandare l’accensione e lo spegnimento del tuo sistema di riscaldamento radiante a pavimento. È possibile comandare fino a otto zone della propria abitazione associando ad ognuna di esse un termostato. L’intero sistema può essere impostato e monitorato da remoto grazie alle pratiche applicazioni Smart Life o EcoHome Life.

The single jet water meter is a MID certified device that uses the rotation of a turbine magnetically transmitted to the indicator (dry) and complies with the directives 2004/22/EC and the European standard EN141554.

The single jet water meter is a MID certified device that uses the rotation of a turbine magnetically transmitted to the indicator (dry) and complies with the directives 2004/22/EC and the European standard EN141554.

The single jet water meter is a MID certified device that uses the rotation of a turbine magnetically transmitted to the indicator (dry) and complies with the directives 2004/22/EC and the European standard EN141554.

The single jet water meter is a MID certified device that uses the rotation of a turbine magnetically transmitted to the indicator (dry) and complies with the directives 2004/22/EC and the European standard EN141554.


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