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ON/OFF boiler actuator in combination with programmable digital thermostatic head kits with app

Kit testine termostatiche digitali e HUB Wi-Fi progettati per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con App gratuita.

Gli heat/cool meter Smartdhome della serie MyHCM2 certificati MID sono ideali per la contabilizzazione dell’energia termica, caldo e freddo, e utilizzano la tecnologia a ultrasuoni per garantire la massima stabilità di lettura nel tempo.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

Kit testina termostatica digitale e HUB Wi-Fi progettati per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con App gratuita.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

Kit testine termostatiche digitali e HUB Wi-Fi progettati per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con App gratuita.

The ultrasonic water meter for hot and cold water is a device designed to detect the volume of water consumed by each individual user that uses ultrasound technology for accurate and reliable measurement.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

Rileva il gas (metano/GPL/propano) e il monossido di carbonio (CO) con valvola d'intercettazione. Monitoraggio tramite App Smart Life e certificato secondo la norma EN 50291-1:2018 e EN 50194-1:2009

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

Kit testine termostatiche digitali e HUB Wi-Fi progettati per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con App gratuita.

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

MQTT energy consumption meter, programming via cloud platform

Kit testine termostatiche digitali e HUB Wi-Fi progettati per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con App gratuita.

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

Wi-Fi room thermostat for 4-pipe fan coil, 3-speed 230 Vac fan regulation and valve management

Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.

MyGMS is the device designed for gas supply services where an hourly transfer of consumption is required.

TTD USB Programmer

SKU: 01333-2500-00
79,06 €

You can programme TTD101 by hand or you can use our convenient programming stick to copy your personally specified heating and economy times onto all your EcoDHOME energy-saving radiator thermostats at your home which have a programming port in a matter of seconds.

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