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Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform

The interface monitors the operation of PV inverters, charging stations and electric meters that support the Modbus protocol

MQTT energy consumption meter, programming via cloud platform

MQTT energy consumption meter, programming via cloud platform

Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform

Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform

Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform

7 kW WBSH1-7 Charging Wall Box and Modbus

SKU: 01040-1001-00
972,34 €

A charging station for electric vehicles, with a power of 7 kW, and a Modbus communication interface. The device can also be controlled via the MyVirtuoso Home smart home system.

Measures inductively, therefore without modifying the existing electrical system, the energy detected (consumed or produced).

Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform

MQTT MEM03W three-phase Wi-Fi micro power meter

SKU: 01350-4660-00
179,34 €

Mini energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform, three-phase MQTT

MEM01WT Wi-Fi single-phase micro power meter

SKU: 01350-4670-00
90,28 €

Mini Wi-Fi energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via Smart Life App, sigle-phase

MEM03WT Wi-Fi three-phase micro power meter

SKU: 01350-4680-00
179,34 €

Mini Wi-Fi energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via Smart Life App, three-phase

La presa smart Wi-Fi con spina Schuko è un dispositivo progettato per attivare l'accensione/spegnimento del carico collegato e di rilevarne il consumo in tempo reale. Compatibile con la App Smart Life.

A charging station for electric vehicles, with a power of 7 kW, and a Modbus communication interface. The device can also be controlled via the MyVirtuoso Home smart home system. Equipped with a convenient display for charging management.

Measures inductively, therefore without modifying the existing electrical system, the energy detected (consumed or produced).

A charging station for electric vehicles with a power of 22 kW and a Modbus communication interface

Colonnina di supporto a pavimento per wall box

SKU: 01040-1550-00
279,38 €

Colonnina di supporto a pavimento

Socket switch and power meter

SKU: 01335-1450-00
90,28 €

It activates and deactivates the users to which it is connected and measures consumption

NB-IoT energy consumption meter, programming via cloud platform

Switch and Measuring socket with Shuko Plug

SKU: 01335-1455-00
64,05 €

It activates and deactivates the users to which it is connected and measures consumption, schuko plug

Energy consumption meter, programming via MyVirtuoso Home App or cloud platform

Power meter -48 Vdc con TA MyPM-48MBTA con interfaccia ModBus per sistemi di telecomunicazioni

Dimmer socket

SKU: 01335-1452-00
79,30 €

It activates and deactivates the users to which it is connected and measures consumption

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