MQTT energy consumption meter, programming via cloud platform
MQTT energy consumption meter, programming via cloud platform
Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform
Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform
Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform
Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform
ON/OFF boiler actuator in combination with programmable digital thermostatic head kits with app
Wi-Fi room thermostat for 4-pipe fan coil, 3-speed 230 Vac fan regulation and valve management
Actuator with clean contact to turn on or off all users equipped with a clean contact, such as boilers, heat pumps, fan coils, air conditioners, etc.
Measures inductively, therefore without modifying the existing electrical system, the energy detected (consumed or produced).
Mini Wi-Fi energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via Smart Life App, sigle-phase
A charging station for electric vehicles, with a power of 7 kW, and a Modbus communication interface. The device can also be controlled via the MyVirtuoso Home smart home system.
Mini Wi-Fi energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via Smart Life App, three-phase
Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform
Model: 01334-6090-00
Installation: built-in
System type: fan coil
Systems control: 4 pipes
Fan speed control: 0-10 Vdc
Cronotermostato Wi-Fi MFCB che gestisce l'impianto di riscaldamento a fancoil 2/4 tubi con gestione della ventola sia a 3 velocità 230 Vac sia a 0-10 Vdc. Colore Nero
Monitora in tempo reale il funzionamento di ogni sezione dell’impianto fotovoltaico. 4 canali monitorabili
Mini energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform, three-phase MQTT
La presa smart Wi-Fi con spina Schuko è un dispositivo progettato per attivare l'accensione/spegnimento del carico collegato e di rilevarne il consumo in tempo reale. Compatibile con la App Smart Life.
Measures inductively, therefore without modifying the existing electrical system, the energy detected (consumed or produced).
Model: 01334-6090-00
Installation: built-in
System type: fan coil
Systems control: 4 pipes
Fan speed control: 0-10 Vdc
A charging station for electric vehicles, with a power of 7 kW, and a Modbus communication interface. The device can also be controlled via the MyVirtuoso Home smart home system. Equipped with a convenient display for charging management.
Cronotermostato Wi-Fi MFCB che gestisce l'impianto di riscaldamento a fancoil 2/4 tubi con gestione della ventola sia a 3 velocità 230 Vac sia a 0-10 Vdc. Colore Nero
Monitora in tempo reale il funzionamento di ogni sezione dell’impianto fotovoltaico. 8 canali monitorabili powered by
V.le Longarone, 35
20058 Zibido San Giacomo (MI)
800 020 346