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Rileva il gas (metano/GPL/propano) e il monossido di carbonio (CO) con valvola d'intercettazione. Monitoraggio tramite App Smart Life e certificato secondo la norma EN 50291-1:2018 e EN 50194-1:2009

Rileva il gas (metano/GPL/propano) e il monossido di carbonio (CO). Monitoraggio tramite App Smart Life e certificato secondo la norma EN 50291-1:2018 e EN 50194-1:2009

It measures, through a magnetic / optical sensor, the energy consumption of the gas, electric and water meters.

Meter with LED sensor for electronic meters

SKU: 01335-1810-00
226,92 €

Detects the electricity consumption of electronic or mechanical meters

Gas detector

SKU: 01335-2009-00
85,40 €

Detects the presence of gas within the environment

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