Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.
Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.
Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.
TTD101: stand alone digital thermostatic head designed to detect the room temperature and automatically regulate the radiator water flow. Manual programming or via TTD USB Programmer cable (not included).
The more you buy, the more you save! The KIT of 3 digital thermostatic heads TTD101 helps you in the management of your radiators and in programming the temperature of your home. Not connectable to wireless thermostats.
The more you buy, the more you save! The KIT of 3 digital thermostatic heads TTD101 helps you in the management of your radiators and in programming the temperature of your home. Not connectable to wireless thermostats.
The more you buy, the more you save! The KIT of 3 digital thermostatic heads TTD101 helps you in the management of your radiators and in programming the temperature of your home. Not connectable to wireless thermostats.
Kit 5 Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione manuale.
HUB to connect TTD800 digital thermostatic heads to your home Wi-Fi
ON/OFF boiler actuator in combination with programmable digital thermostatic head kits with app
TTDZ3: digital thermostatic head designed to detect the room temperature and automatically regulate the radiator water flow. Programming via MyVirtuoso Home app
HUB for managing MyVirtuoso Home devices and for data collection and analysis powered by
V.le Longarone, 35
20058 Zibido San Giacomo (MI)
800 020 346