Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Heat/Cool meters are devices designed to detect the thermal energy supplied by a source, measuring the temperature variation between the system inlet and outlet.
Stop valve with M10 threaded temperature probe holder for DN15 systems.
Stop valve with M10 threaded temperature probe holder for DN20 systems.
Stop valve with M10 threaded temperature probe holder for DN25 systems.
Stop valve with M10 threaded temperature probe holder for DN32 systems.
Stop valve with M10 threaded temperature probe holder for DN40 systems.
Pozzetto porta sonda da 1/2" con vite di fissaggio per sonda di 30mm
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Visualizza, monitora e analizza i dati di consumo dell'energia termica e li invia alla piattaforma Cloud tramite connessione NB-IoT
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