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Top ten Products

Caleffi valve adapter

SKU: 01333-3000-00
8,30 €

Plastic radiator valve adapter to fit M30 digital thermostatic head to Caleffi valve.

TTD101 Digital Thermostatic Head

SKU: 01333-0004-00
35,37 €

TTD101: stand alone digital thermostatic head designed to detect the room temperature and automatically regulate the radiator water flow. Manual programming or via TTD USB Programmer cable (not included).

Adapter for coupling thermostatic and electrothermal controls with GIACOMINI valves

M26 Pintossi valve adapter

SKU: 01333-3005-00
10,74 €

Plastic radiator valve adapter to fit M30 digital thermostatic head to M26 Pintossi valve.

M28 Herz valve adapter

SKU: 01333-3010-00
10,74 €

Plastic radiator valve adapter to fit M30 digital thermostatic head to M28 Herz valve.

F.A.R. valve adapter

SKU: 01333-3012-00
10,74 €

Plastic radiator valve adapter to fit M30 digital thermostatic head to F.A.R. valve.


Rileva il monossido di carbonio (CO). Monitoraggio tramite App Smart Life e certificato secondo la norma EN 50291-1:2018

Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.

Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.

Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.

Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.

Kit Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione con app gratuita.

TTD800 digital thermostatic head allows to control the flow of water through the radiator which they are fitted to. If linked to a HUB TTD5000, it can be control with an APP.

The interface monitors the operation of modulating boilers that support the OpenTherm protocol

Rileva il gas (metano/GPL/propano) e il monossido di carbonio (CO). Monitoraggio tramite App Smart Life e certificato secondo la norma EN 50291-1:2018 e EN 50194-1:2009

The interface monitors the operation of thermoregulation systems, smart meters and sensors that support the Modbus protocol.

HD IP outdoor camera

SKU: 01220-0150-00
97,48 €

HD Wireless IP outdoor camera, it supports TF memory.

IP 720P Wireless indoor camera

SKU: 01220-0015-00
60,88 €

An elegant and modern indoor camera that adapts to any situation!

MEM01WT Wi-Fi single-phase micro power meter

SKU: 01350-4670-00
90,28 €

Mini Wi-Fi energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via Smart Life App, sigle-phase

HD Wireless IP pivoting indoor camera

SKU: 01220-0145-00
84,18 €

HD Wireless IP pivoting indoor camera, it supports TF memory.

KIT 3x Digital Thermostatic Head TTD101

SKU: 01333-0030-00
90,18 €

The more you buy, the more you save! The KIT of 3 digital thermostatic heads TTD101 helps you in the management of your radiators and in programming the temperature of your home. Not connectable to wireless thermostats.

MEM03WT Wi-Fi three-phase micro power meter

SKU: 01350-4680-00
179,34 €

Mini Wi-Fi energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via Smart Life App, three-phase

Kit 5 Teste Termostatiche digitali progettate per rilevare la temperatura della stanza e regolare in automatico il flusso d'acqua del radiatore. Programmazione manuale.

La presa smart Wi-Fi con spina Schuko è un dispositivo progettato per avviare accensione/spegnimento del carico ad esso collegato e di rilevarne il consumo in tempo reale.

Mini MQTT energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform

Dry contact Wi-Fi chronothermostat (NO/NC), simple to use, compatible with all dual mode boilers and heat pumps

MQTT MEM03W three-phase Wi-Fi micro power meter

SKU: 01350-4660-00
179,34 €

Mini energy consumption and photovoltaic production meter, programming via cloud platform, three-phase MQTT

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